The Official Blog for the upcoming Graphic Novel by Tony Medina

The Official Blog for the upcoming Graphic Novel by Tony Medina
The Story of a hired killer and a brave little girl.warning: this blog may contains scenes of cartoon voilence, and profanity. Reader discretion is advised.

Soundtrack to Bullets And Daisies The Graphic Novel

Tony Medina's Facebook profile

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Bullets and Daisies, Issue # 1 Script COPYRIGHT 2006

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the very first chapter of the Bullets & Daisies script.
It is laid out as a script, so if you have trouble reading it... too bad.







Legend: WS= Wide Shot, MS= Medium Shot, TS= Tight Shot. “Text”= spoken dialog,

“Text”= unspoken dialog. Text in ( )= optional or variable or sound effect.



FULL PAGE, daytime scene of buildings in a large city. “Small job, quick and easy.”

MS: building from splash zoomed in

TS: of window of same bldg. “In and out get paid.”


TS: Overhead shot of table with Gun, silencer, bullets, holster, file with page exposed showing details of Eugene Marshall. Photo included. (Tony made up?) “Got the info and tools.”

MS: Camera low looking up at front end of car driving down street. “Wheels spin to carry me

Like a Chariot of Death.”

MS: Camera on side of car looking at Mike, wearing black suit, black tie, white shirt, driving. Looking intense. “I ride fast, strong.”


WS: House of Eugene Marshall, from street.

MS: of Mike’s car pulled up to curb. “Arrive on time unnoticed as usual. I park a block from the targets house; walk the rest of the way”.

MS: Mike aproaching house, looking around while putting latex gloves on.

MS: Mike up at door of house: “Shouldn't be anyone else here”

TS: Mikes hand with pick locks about to insert into handle.

MS: From inside of house: Mike peeking head through open door. “My entry is clean, no evidence, less work to do later.”


MS: Mike pulling gun from holster: “Find the target and do the job.”

MS: Mike attaching silencer:

MS: Mike walking slowly, in aim clearing the room.

MS: Camera looking down Hallway to slightly open door can see Eugene without a shirt, slightly bent over. “Here he is, unaware, just as expected, easy money, now think ahead.

MS: Mike up against wall next to door, holding up pistol with silencer in hand: “This is an easy kill. Get it right, get out, get paid” “Be certain of your shot. One shot, make it count.

TS: Mikes eyes tightly shut “Don't give any other thought a chance”

TS: Mikes eyes open, intense “Ready?” “Go!”


FRONTSHOT MS: Mike aiming into the Room aimed for the quick shot,

MS: see Eugene prepping a camera in his sweat pants and socks.

TS: Eugene’s eyes looking to the left

MS: Eugene’s face surprised mouth open: “He sees the barrel staring him down.

He opens his mouth to scre…”


WS: Eugene on left of frame, head squib, Mike on right of frame, with chambering gun to Eugene’s head: “I end him hard.”

TS: (Ping) goes the shell on the hardwood floor.

MS: Camera low at Eugene’s feet, he’s hitting the floor “He drops like 200 pounds of shit stuffed in a 50 pound bag.”

MS: Mike putting silencer in pocket, gun in other hand, (has latex gloves on) “Lose the suppressor,”

MS: Mike putting gun in Eugene’s hand “plant the gun. Looks good, just like suicide."


MS: Mike standing near in front of closet door, pulling on glove to tighten, “Clean the grin off my face. ‘He was a quiet neighbor... never bothered any’.." (THDP! from behind)

MS: of Mike turning from opposite direction reaching for back up pistol “What was that?”

OPEN part of page, near door handle “A whimper”

TS: Mike’s tightly closed eyes “NO.”Leave it, go.”

MS: Mike still aiming to door, eyes looking up. “Nobody was supposed to be here anyway. Just leave like you didn't know.”

MS: Mike standing as if to walk, looking at floor. “Think. If it's a...”


MS: Mike (looking at Eugene) camera on floor

MS: Eugene’s hand holding gun, near spent shell, (pool of blood?) “You can't leave, nobody will find 'shitbag' here for a couple of days.”

MS: Mike standing looking terse at door. “Open the door...”

TS: can only see half of Tina’s face her eyes swollen from crying, tape over her mouth.

TS: Tina’s hands clenched from the tight duct tape binding them down “Who the hell is this? She's can’t be more than nine.”


MS: Mike’s hands removing tape from Tina’s wrists “I loose her from her hell” “She'll never forget the feeling, never lose the tacky, sticky scar of glue. She will always remember it.”

MS: Tina’s face still crying, in front of Mike who is kneeling before her, possibly removing tape from her legs, Tina seems to be looking at the dead guy on floor. “Could this be his daughter? Niece? Neighbor?”

TS: Mike looking up at Tina who is still looking at Dead Eugene “This is all wrong.” “There was NOTHING in the file about a kid.” “You can’t risk this.”

TS: Mike’s hand pulls back hammer on gun. “You know what might happen if she’s found…”

MS: Mike is holding Tina close, who’s face is buried in his left shoulder: “alive.” “I’m so sorry.”


FULL PAGE, camera facing Mike who’s face is toward the ceiling, holding Tina close, her head turned to the right against his left shoulder, Mike is holding his gun to her head (not touching), his eyes are shut tight “Some days, I hate what I do for a living.”


FULL PAGE, same exact shot, except Mike is looking straight forward, eyes wide open, gritting teeth, looking straight into camera, “Wait!” “What the hell is THAT?”


WS: Looking from behind Mike and Tina, (they are in foreground) at closet, indistinguishable photos tacked to walls inside closet, some nude, some otherwise, some clearly of little girls faces

“This cannot be his daughter.” “I can only hope that this cannot be his daughter”

TS: Mike’s worried, grief stricken face, looking up, tears welling in eyes: “So many different picture of little girls… Don’t see this ones face in any of them.”

MS: The camera that Eugene was prepping still on tripod “He hadn’t got there yet.”


TS: Mike’s face with grimace, tears flowing “You kill her, you’re no different than the monster on the floor”

TS: Tina’s face still buried in Mikes shoulder “Daughter or not…”

TS: Mikes’ face eyes closed tight

MS: Eugene’s hand holding gun, near spent shell (pool of blood?) “He got what he deserved.”

TS: Tina’s face still against Mike’s shoulder: “What could she have done to deserve this?”


FULL PAGE, camera facing Mike looking straight ahead, eye closed with tears, solemn faced, is holding Tina close, her head turned to the right against his shoulder, Mike is holding the gun down towards the floor: “I wept, embracing her so she never knew I cried.”


MS: Mike holding Tina out looking straight at her "We've got to go now, fast and quiet". "What's your name?"

MS: Tina’s eyes still point down towards Eugene, "Tina. Tina Stevensen.”

TS: Mike looking at Tina, “Tina, are you OK?"

MS: Tina (same face as above) looking at Mike, "uhh huh"

MS: Same as second panel, Tina is in shock, looking down at Eugene. “He was going to... but he didn't… I ... Is he… dead?"


MS: Mike looking downwards towards lower left: “Yes Tina. He’s dead.”

TS: Tina looking at Mike, eyes wide, (a little scared) “Did you kill him?”

MS: Mike looking straight into camera, a bit intense “Yes, I killed him. Now, we have to go.”

MS: Mike walking down hallway (towards camera), pistol in right hand, Tina’s hand in the other, Tina kind of being pulled by Mike, looking at Mike with a worried face, “But… Where are we going? Ah… are you gonna…?” “Kill me?”

WS: From Tina’s POV (low camera to up at) Mike with solemn face, “No sweetie. I’m not going to kill you. I promise.”


Full Page of Mike and Tina are in the car driving at night in the rain. Tina is looking out the window. Tina: “What’s your name?” “Giving much detail as possible to cleaning possible tracks, we blaze.” “I tell her she doesn't have to put her seat belt on. She does anyway.” “Rain, blurring the road and over shining the lights help the rush fade away.” “This was not in the job description.”

TS: Mike looking straight into the camera, concentrating on the road: “Mike.”

TS: Tina, still looking out the window (facing away from camera) “Your real name is Michael right? I like Michael better than ‘Mike’.”

MS: Mike still looking straight, now has a slight smile on face. “You can call me Michael.”

TS: Same shot of Tina as above, (she never moved from this pose). “OK, Michael.”


MS:INSIDE MIKE’S PLACE, FROM LIVING ROOM Mike walking, looking like he’s thinking, Tina in background, sitting at kitchen table, is drinking a glass of milk.“At home” “Dammit! What to do?” “’Can’t call my contact. She won’t have any info, I’m sure she would have known.”

MS: Same as above shot, Mike walking opposite direction. “THINK! How are you getting her home??”

MS: Tina smiling up at Mike, half eaten hotdog in hand, ketchup on her lip. “She eats what I meagerly have to offer.” “Hotdogs and wonder bread, with ketchup.” “I need to go shopping.”


MS: Camera looking down hallway at Mike walking away, he is carrying Tina. 2:34 AM. After several episodes of cartoons, I carry her to the bedroom.”

MS: Tina is looking very tired; Mike’s hand is pulling the covers to her chin. “Pull covers up to her chin. Tuck.” "Sleep for now, girl, you deserve it. I'll be in the other room on the couch."

MS: Same shot, Tina looking up at Mike "Michael, are you scared?"

MS: Camera low, from Tina’s P.O.V "Uhh... No. What do you mean?"


MS: Tina with a hand just over the cover is pointing and looking downward "You still have a gun in your hand"

MS: Mike’s hand gripping 9mm.

MS: Mike putting pistol under belt, looking away. “I try to loosen up and seat it under my belt.”

MS: Same shot, now Mike is brushing Tina’s hair off her face, she is looking at his hand.

"Sleep now. You don't have to be afraid anymore"

MS: Same shot, Tina’s eye drooping with fatigue "When I got scared, I just thought of daisies, they make me happy and not scared. I did have some nightmares in the closet. He put me there because I spit on him. I wasn't afraid of him. I just wanted to go home"


MS: Mike is facing away from camera, (Tina’s POV) Mikes is walking towards the door, head turned towards right, as if looking over shoulder. Tina: “Michael?” Mike: “Yes Tina?”

TS: Tina with eyes half open: “Do people pay you to kill other people?”

MS: camera in front of Mike who is looking stoic at the floor, “Yes… They do. That’s my job.”

MS: Shot of nightstand with clock radio (2:36 A.M.) and lamp next to bed. Tina: “Michael?”

MS: camera in front of Mike looking tired and straight into camera “Yes sweetie?” “Thank You.”


FULL PAGE: Mike Walking down hallway, his face looking hurt, eyes upward. “You’re welcome. Good Night.” "No nightmares tonight, please, just tonight. Let her sleep for chrissakes"


MS: Mike sitting on couch, holding head in his hands, gun on coffee table next to newspaper: “Why is her name so familiar?” “She said they took her from school, but she doesn’t know why.”

MS: Mike looking up as if thinking “Tina Stevensen” “Said the ‘badguy’ who kidnapped her was named ‘Marshall’” “Any connection with Eugene Marshall?”

MS: Mike is sitting back on the couch eyes wide, mouth open, looking at newspaper: “Oh my God.”

WS: Newspaper with Headline and partial photo of man smiling and hugging Tina. Next to him is an unidentified man: “INTECH ADCO MERGE FINAL. STEVENSEN STAYS AS CEO” sub headline reads: STEVENSEN “Optimistic with new company” Photo caption says: “CEO Gary Stevensen, poses with his 10 year old daughter Tina and Bob Harrison, Chairman of ADCO…”

“Who’s your daddy?” “Maybe daddy can help with some answers.”


FULL PAGE: Mike sitting back on couch, eyes angry, looking straight into camera: “But what was she doing there?” “I’m gonna find out who’s responsible for putting that girl in the hands of a monster, and put a few bullets in him.”

“My resolve and her courage, our story of bullets and daisies”



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