Hello Folks,
This here is probably my proudest moment of blogging: I'm introducing to the world the two main characters of this story:
Meet Mindy Howard cast as the Female Assassin "Nicole K. Ellis". For those who have followed my posts from before, yes this does change things a bit. First, let's get a great look at a woman who, next to my wife, could kick anyone's ass....

Mindy Howard
Mrs. Howard has been part of my family's life for almost ten years. She has been an inspiration for postive spirit and for creative expression.
I have yet to find a person with a more infectious smile versus my wife's or my daughter's. And she's a great photographer in her own right.
She also happens to be the Godmother of our beautiful daughter.
She is fully capable of scowling the fear of death into even the hardest of hearts.
When my wife suggested casting her as the part, the story went completely platinum in my mind. She is the perfect face and heart for this story and I am honored to get to work with her in it.
Look out Hollywood: Here is
Marissa Rice cast as "Tina Stevenson". This little girl has the potential of being a massive star in/on the big screen.
I am honored and blessed to be working with such an amazing little girl. She is a totally awesome kid with a great attitude and a guru's patience. She came to the photoshoot ready and completley set to go. Another great infectious smile I hope everybody gets to see, (although her character rarely smiles in this story, I will do my best get some smiles in there).
These are actual shots to be used in the first issue where "Nicole" finds "Tina" in the most uncomfortable of places.
Here, Nicole removes the duct tape that had Tina bound at her feet.
This little girl (Marissa) can act. And she's not even 13. I better get my scenes done with her soon before some bigtime Director scoops her up and puts her in a multi-award winning movie.
I'm working diligently to get as much of those photos done for the first issue. We still have some scenes to shoot to finish the issue, but I assure you, this will not be difficult with the talent I get to work with.
VERY SPECIAL THANKS TO: Munpe Q for the most exquisite photography, Bird for the assisting with the
Meticulous job of shot tracking with the shot list, My wife for giving me the best support for doing this project and My Bro in Law: Realmnate for helping with the best location we could ask for to do this thing.
Meticulous job of shot tracking with the shot list, My wife for giving me the best support for doing this project and My Bro in Law: Realmnate for helping with the best location we could ask for to do this thing.
Anyway, enough of the mushy stuff....
"To Hell with my instincts...."